Well I was really rooting for Young Galaxy to go all the way, but I can't say I'm disappointed with the Polaris Music Prize Shortlist for 2010. I'm really happy to see Caribou, Shad and the Besnard Lakes on there - all of their albums blew me away. But my new favourite for the coveted award and cash flow is Dan Mangan's incredible Nice Nice Very Nice.
I listened to it first when it came out because I reviewed it for Soundproof, but it didn't hook me after those first couple listens. It was while listening to my iPod on shuffle that I started to take notice of his songs more. His songwriting began to really intrigue me, and still does. And sometimes all it takes is picking an album apart a bit and hearing it with fresh ears to make you realize how great it is.
His arrangements are beautiful and the dynamics really make the album soar. But what I like the most I think are his lyrics. They're clever, ironic, symbolic, poignant. They're like prose rather than poetry, which I find novel and refreshing. I usually don't get into lyrics that much versus the actual music, but I love Mangan's words. And the music is damn good too. The package is pitch perfect.
Plus the title of the album is the name of a chapter in my favourite Kurt Vonnegut book Cat's Cradle. And that makes me like Mangan's prosey lyrics even more to know he was inspired by the same words.
Anyway, I hope Mangan takes home the Polaris this year. I've listened to this album excessively, and I'm listening to it again right now. I'd like to hear what he does with the prize money.
Oh, a sleeping drunkard
- Up in Central Park,
And a lion-hunter
In the jungle dark,
And a Chinese dentist,
And a British queen--
All fit together
In the same machine.
Nice, nice, very nice;
Nice, nice, very nice;
Nice, nice, very nice--
So many different people
In the same device.
Ecstatic words,
V. Rocky Racoon
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